myADVENTURES: Lands End Labyrinth

Just as most people, I found out about the beautiful Labyrinth at Land’s End through social media posts.. through photos on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Buzzfeed.. you name it, I’ve probably seen it there.

With that being said, visiting the Land’s End Labyrinth has been on my Bucket List for quite some time. I mean, how can I live and breathe in the Bay Area my three decades, and not have visited this touristy site?!  Plus, I had seen an article that someone/people had taken and thrown all the stones into the ocean, leaving a chilling imprint of what was the original labyrinth (view one news report here:, BUT then a group of people got together and created a line to pass down stones to the flat to recreate the labyrinth.. so I had to see it before it got destroyed again.

So, one Saturday afternoon, I convinced my sister to go with me. It was a cool 67degrees, with a light breeze. We passed by San Francisco State University and drove through Golden Gate Park, then detoured past the Great Highway and finally passed the Cliff House before coming across the two parking lots by Land’s End Lookout.

Surprisingly, parking was free and not as bad as I had imagined.. or maybe we were lucky.  But I will advise that there are multiple signs with regards to car break-ins and hiding or taking valuables with you.

The visitors center has restrooms, a gift shop and a cafe.  The restroom is open weekdays 9:00am-5:30pm and weekends 9:00am-6:30pm, and was relatively clean.  Along the walkway were information boards and layouts of the land.  Then the two pathways are revealed:  one down towards the ocean to Land’s End, and one up and into the hills toward the Coastal Trail.

We first took the path towards the Coastal Trail, not quite knowing where we were going but we continued to walk. We took the stair pathway down to Mile Rock Beach, but didn’t climb down nor look over the ledge.. so we returned to the main pathway until we came across the stairway to heaven, as I like to call it, as it seemed neverending.

And I was like, hell no.  If it’s up there, forget it.

So we turned around and started walking back, taking scenic photos and trying to get cell signal so I could try to look up clues on how to get to the labyrinth.

Directions to the Labyrinth
– Follow the Costal Trail
– Follow the signs towards Mile Rock Beach
– Continue towards Eagles’ Point
– When the path forks at the Bike Route sign, keep Left
– Continue again towards Mile Rock Beach
– Go down the first set of stairs with the rope handrails
– The path splits to three, take the Middle Path, dodging tree branches

..this will open to a view of the ocean and Golden Gate Bridge, with a ledge straight ahead. YOU ARE ALMOST THERE! Continue down and up the rocks and dirt to the ledge and look down, bingo! The LABYRINTH! The follow the beaten path down the side of the ledge to get down to the LABYRINTH and take your photos/videos!

‘Til next post,


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